Photo Album - Sheet Five
(Sheet One) (Sheet Two) (Sheet Three) (Sheet Four)
(Sheet Six) (Sheet Seven) (Sheet Eight) (Sheet Nine)
Last change - 24th November 2019
Brodick Bay
Kingston High School, Hull - 1955
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Click on any of the thumbnails, below, to view picture then click on 'Back' to return to thumbnails
Cruise of Lochs Long & Goil - 31st July 2018
Clyde Clipper |
Clyde Clipper |
Gilmerton Cove - 30th July 2018
Rose Hamilton Cleland
Naming Day - 21st July 2018
General 2017-18
12th Nov 17 |
- --The Meadows- -- 3rd June 18 |
September 17 |
Rose Hamilton Cleland - 26th February 2018
210519 |
Mum's Birthday |
010519 |
Heads of Ayr 290419 |
Hazel & Thomas Kelburn 200419 |
With Maggie & Zoe 040419 |
020419 |
Senorita Rose |
Gemmells 13/02/19 |
Cafe Society! 150319 |
13/02/19 |
Laid-back |
06/02/19 |
At Marc's |
Shoes already! |
Patisserie Valerie |
Unaided climb on to chair - 170119 |
15th December 18 |
Gemmels Garden Centre 141218 |
121118 |
221118 |
111118 |
081118 |
Halloween with Aunty Emma |
Tiny & Toy Basket |
Cat Hat - 271018
Harrods |
Sightseeing |
Premier Inn |
First Adventure - off to London 141018 |
Tate Modern |
30th July |
Six Months |
Six Months |
80th Birthdays - 2017
(Sheet One) (Sheet Two) (Sheet Three) (Sheet Four)
(Sheet Six) (Sheet Seven) (Sheet Eight) (Sheet Nine)